Part 66 / 147 Examination FAQ

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You can attend the module examination at any Part-147 approved training organization.

Actually, anyone can attend module examinations. Previous technical knowledge is recommended but not necessary.

Module examinations are clean desk examinations which means nothing may be used as help during examinations.

There are 13 modules for Cat. B1.1 license needed. It is 13 Multiple choice exams (one per each module) and 3 essay exams (for Modules M7A, M9A and M10).

Before any essay exam SUNTECH makes a review where examiner explains in details what elements are necessary to write a successful essay. We can also perform essay writing course – all possible scenarios are explained there and many test writings are done in this course.

You may attend only one or few modules or the whole package at any available Part-147 training organization or CAA. All certificates issued by Part-147 approved training organizations or CAAs are mutually recognised and equally accepted.

You have to attend differential modules – those that are for B2 license category examined on higher level or are special for B2: M4, M5, M7A – only sub-module 7.4, M13.

You have to attend differential modules – those that are for B1.1 license category examined on higher level or are special for B1.1: M6, M7A, M11A, M15, M17A.

This decision is under CAA – where you apply for your license – discretion. Each indvidual’s entry conditions are by CAA in these cases evaluated separately. CAA may or may not accept individual’s working experiences gained outside Part-145 approved maintenance organization.

You may attend module examinations without any course being attended before. We suggest you call Part-147 training organization – you’ve chosen for examination – and ask them for study material. They should provide it.

You may have your second attempt not before 1 month from the first one – but retraining must be provided by Part-147 training organization. Without retraining being provided your second attempt may be performed not before 3 months after the first one.

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